
Fake windows on top of house
Fake windows on top of house


fake windows on top of house

He said that he was being cheated by his bosses, and he was assembling a crew to help him rob their stash house, which was lightly guarded. Richie told them that he worked as a courier for a Colombian drug cartel, driving shipments of cocaine to New York City. Some guys Boyer partied with said that Richie had a plan to “hit the jackpot,” and one of them took Boyer to an empty warehouse to meet him. He was a wiry Cuban American named Richie, who wore tight jeans and had long curly hair. That winter, Boyer met a man who promised to change his life. He wanted to go to rehab, but the program cost nearly two thousand dollars-far more than he could afford. He did deliveries for an electronics-repair business, but the job depended on his car, which was threatening to give out. By 2001, when Boyer was twenty-four, he was living in Tampa, Florida, doing heroin six or seven times a day. He didn’t say no when a cousin proposed that they run away from home, or when a friend at a rave handed him a small dose of powder heroin. “Are you coming?” they would ask him, and Boyer had trouble saying no. They would sneak out at night to drink and smoke they would drive through town in a pickup truck, knocking down neighbors’ mailboxes with a baseball bat. But he was drawn to charismatic boys who broke the rules. Growing up in rural Illinois, Boyer was quiet and well mannered, a shy white kid who spent his afternoons fishing for strawberry bass in farm ponds and the creeks that feed the Mississippi. Joshua Boyer’s mother often had to remind him to think for himself.

fake windows on top of house

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Fake windows on top of house